perm filename PUP5.INS[AP,DBL] blob sn#105855 filedate 1974-06-12 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	Instructions for running PUP5
00400	1. Get into SRI
00500		From SAIL:        .TN SRI
00600				  @LOG LENAT DL PLAY
00700				  @<SUBSYS>TINYLISP
00800				  ←LOAD(STOR)
00900				  ←LOAD(PUP5)
01000				  ←ENTER(T)
01200	2. When ENTER asks whether to guess, replying YES will mean it goes through
01300	the "correct" user response list; replying NO means that you yourself must
01400	answer each question that ensues.   I suggest, in that case, that you type
01600	just before you type     ←ENTER().
01700	This will cause the list of proper responses to be dumped out, and you may
01800	refer to it.     I suggest that the interrupt level be 0 or 10. It can be
01900	changed by executing the function NEWLEVEL with the level as its argument.
02000	This can be done in a break (control-H) or as a response during a planned
02100	user interrupt question period (NEWLEVEL 0).  
02300		At any time, you may type meta-D, followed by a new file name. This
02400	opens the file and records your entire ensuing dialogue.   It is terminated
02500	by typing control-meta-D.  The file is at SAIL, not SRI.
02600		At the end of the dialog, the system should make a new file called C or CF.
02700	Loading it should cause the CF function tobe entered.
02900		You may interrupt the dialog at any time (control-H) and do a
03000	:SYSOUT(MIN)
03100	which saves the state of the world. Later, enter WOODSLISP and do
03200	←SYSIN(MIN) and you are back at the break again.  Also, you my interrupt, say
03400	and go on. When CHOOSE-FROM breaks, you can then say
03500	:UB
03600	:SNAPSHOT()
03700	:OK
03800	This has the effect of creating a file SNAP which saves the world. Later, you can enter WOODSLISP,
03900	LOAD(STOR)
04000	LOAD(PUP5)
04200	ENTER()
04300	YES
04400	When choose-from breaks, you then type in
04500	UB
04600	LOAD(SNAP)
04700	OK
04800	And you are back where you were when you created SNAP.  THis is longer and
04900	more painful than SYSOUT, but uses 50 pages instead of 300.  The total
05000	disk quota is only 400 pages for <LENAT>.